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  • 1. What is AWANA?
    AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, which is based on 2 Timothy 2:15: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. With the central focus of Scripture memorization, Awana is an engaging way for children and youth to grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word.
  • 2. When is AWANA?
    Awana meets on Wednesdays, at 6:45–8:15 PM. Families are encouraged to arrive between 6:30–6:45 PM to allow time for clubbers to be properly checked in and get ready for the Opening Ceremony. See our Awana calendar for meeting dates and breaks.
  • 3. Who is AWANA for?
    Awana is available for all children from age 3 through grade 12. We offer 5 age-specific clubs:
  • 4. How much does AWANA cost?
    Awana is free to attend and a free starter booklet is available to help clubbers get started. The Awana curriculum requires handbooks that include memory verse, lessons, and activities. $12 for Cubbies, Sparks, T&T, and Trek handbooks $20 for Journey handbooks (optional) $14 for Cubbies and Sparks vests
  • 5. What activities do clubbers participate in?
    Each AWANA Night begins with the Opening Ceremony in the sanctuary. Clubbers will then participate in 3 segments: Lesson time: clubbers receive Bible-based lessons from the Awana curriculum. Handbook time: clubbers are quizzed on their memory verse(s) and checked on handbook completion. Game time: clubbers will participate in exciting team games.
  • 6. How can parents get involved in Awana?
    Parents are encouraged to review and discuss key concepts and memory verses each week by participating in at-home activities. These at-home activities can be found in: Awana handbooks (portions of the Awana handbooks require the help of parents) Additional resources available on the AWANA at Home page of our website
  • 7. Are there any club rules?
    Below are key club rules for how clubbers are expected to behave when participating in our Awana program: Be kind to everyone. Respect and obey leaders. Bring handbooks and Bibles. Keep your hands to yourself. Walk and do not run.
  • 8. Check-in & Pick-up Procedures
    Awana begins at 6:45PM and ends at 8:15PM. Please be on time for check-ins and prompt for pick-ups. Check-in opens at 6:30PM in the Courtyard. Parents/guardians must check their clubber(s) in with the club leaders. Clubbers will then proceed to the Sanctuary for the Opening Ceremony. Clubbers may be picked up in the Courtyard except for Cubbies, who will be picked up from the Cubbies Classroom. Only authorized individuals are allowed to pick up clubbers. These are parents/guardians and individuals listed as Authorized Contacts in the clubber’s registration. In the event of rain, parents may proceed directly to the Sanctuary to get their clubber(s) checked in.
  • 9. Safety & Wellness Policy
    At FHBC, we take every precaution to ensure the safety of the children in our ministries: We practice the “Two Adult” rule where children will never be alone with just one adult. All Awana leaders have completed a background check. Clubbers cannot check in to Awana if they are exhibiting any of the following: Fever over 99.6 Vomiting or diarrhea Runny nose with discharge Croup Skin infections or unexplained rashes Pink eye Symptoms of childhood diseases (chicken pox, mumps, measles, whooping cough) Head lice Symptoms of COVID-19
  • 10. Still have questions about Awana?
    Email us if you have further questions about Awana at FHBC:

1215 N Marlborough Ave, Inglewood, CA 90302 | 310-671-7685

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